Our mission is to Rescue, Renew, Restore and Return women to family and community after being set free of addiction through the power of Jesus Christ. We encourage their development of self-esteem and attainment of self-sufficiency through our commitment of providing a holistic, safe and supportive environment, and through our programs of housing, advocacy, vocational experience and empowerment.
Grace Haven Volunteers
We were asked to volunteer to make pancakes for the Men’s Breakfast @ Fairfield Christian Church on Saturday April 1st, 2023.
Grace Haven Outing
We was asked to volunteer for the Lysa Terkeurst Good Boundaries and Goodbyes book tour @ Fairfield Christian Church on March 18, 2023
Please come to Our Chili Cook-off Saturday March 25, 2023
Grace Haven Thanks
We went to Connexion West and got sized for Rocky Boots. Two weeks later, we went and picked them up. Thank You Connexion West and Rocky Boots.
Don’t forget to register your chili. We are having our Cook-Off March 25, 2023
Grace Haven New and Used is OPEN 9:30-3:30
Grace Haven New and Used is open Today and Saturday 930-3:30.
We are located on 333 South Broad Street. Lancaster, Oh.
Please Come do some shopping.
Our Penny Drive is still going on this month.
Grace Haven Outings
On February 24th, 2023, We took the Ladies to Fairfield Christian Church Wave’s Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser and to see Comedian/Magician David Mccreary. It was a fun and entertaining night.
Grace Haven Baptism & Worship Night
Later that evening, we had our Worship night @ Fairfield Christian Church. It was a great success, and we all had a great time. We want to say thank you to Highland Community Church & Fairfield Christian Church Worships bands, and to Our MC Mike Lamneck. Please click on YouTube link below to watch.
Grace Haven New and Used is OPEN 9:30-3:30
Grace Haven New and Used is open Today and Saturday 930-3:30.
We are located on 333 South Broad Street. Lancaster, Oh.
Please Come do some shopping.
Our Penny Drive is still going on this month.
Grace Haven New and Used is OPEN
Grace Haven New and Used is open Today and Saturday 930-3:30.
We are located on 333 South Broad Street. Lancaster, Oh.
Please Come do some shopping.
Our Penny Drive is still going on this month.
Grace Haven Early Valentine’s Dinner
On Sunday, February 12, 2023. We had an Early Valentine’s Day Dinner. Thank You to Gayle and the Ladies for making the special dinner. We had steak, roasted red potatoes, and broccoli. Jo made homemade cheesecake with Cherries. It was all delicious.
Grace Haven New and Used is OPEN
Grace Haven New and Used is open Today and Saturday 930-3:30.
We are located on 333 South Broad Street. Lancaster, Oh.
Please Come do some shopping.
Our Valentine’s Day Raffle drawing is Today February 10, 2023.
Grace Haven Outings
On Saturday, February 4th, 2023, after packing meals for Fairfield Christian Church, we went to lunch @ China Buffet and to watch the Season Finale of The Chosen Third Season @ River Valley Mall Cinemark. We all had a great time.
Grace Haven Volunteering
On Saturday , February 4, 2023, we went to meal packing @ Fairfield Christian Church. We had a great time.
Grace Haven New and Used open Today and Saturday 9:30am-3:30pm
Grace Haven New and Used is open Today and Saturday 930-3:30.
We are located on 333 South Broad Street. Lancaster, Oh.
Please Come do some shopping.
We have a Valentine’s Day Raffle on February 10, 2023.
There is also a Penny Drive Going also on to help the Ladies of Grace Haven.
Thank You for your support!
Grace Haven Worship Night
February 19th, 2023
6:00 PM
located at Fairfield Christian Church
1865 N Columbus St. Lancaster OH 43130
Bands; Fairfield Christian Church, Highland Community Church , Grace Haven Girl’s Testimony and Friends signing team
MC: Steve Rauch
No Admission
Love offering taken to support Grace Haven Ministries
Grace Haven Needs!!
We are at the beginning of the Month, and it is time to post our Needs. We are needing Gift Cards for Gas & Menards, Walmart, and Korgers. We also need a Power Washer, Snow Blower, and Bookcases for the Library Upstairs and Washer and Dryer or someone who knows how to fix. Please contact Maryann @ 740-808-6255.
Annual Praise Concert
6:00 PM- 8:30 PM
Grace Haven Worship Night
February 19th, 2023
6:00 PM
located at Fairfield Christian Church
1865 N Columbus St. Lancaster OH 43130
Bands Fairfield Christian Church, Highland Community Church, Friends signing team as well as Grace Haven Residence
No Admission
Love offering taken to support Grace Haven Ministries
Grace Haven Catering
On Saturday, January 28, 2023, we were asked to cater a Birthday Party at Life Vineyard Church. We had a great Time.
Grace Haven New and Used open Today and Saturday 9:30am-3:30pm
Grace Haven New and Used is open Today and Saturday 930-3:30.
We are located on 333 South Broad Street. Lancaster, Oh.
Please Come do some shopping.
We have a Valentine’s Day Raffle on February 10, 2023.
There is also a Penny Drive Going also on to help the Ladies of Grace Haven.
Thank You for your support!
Looking for Grace Haven Volunteers
We are looking for Volunteers to come out to our Home to teach or show the girls how to do or make crafts. If you are interested. please click this link to sign up.
We are always looking for Store Volunteer for our Grace Haven New and Used.
Thank You!
If you use Amazon, Sign us up on Amazon Smile
Make a donation.
Grace Haven Ministries is a 501(c)3 organization. Your donations are tax deductible. Because of your generosity and contributions, Grace Haven continues rescuing women that have become broken from their addiction. You're donations are key and extremely important for us to continue our mission and to impact the lives of women in our community. Thank You...
Shop at smile.amazon.com and we’ll donate to your favorite charitable organization, at no cost to you.
Grace Haven Video
It is now 2023, We have a new video to share about what going on at Grace Haven
Toddler Desk and Boy Motorcycle Bike Raffle
New raffle at Grace Haven New and Used
Toddler Desk and Boy Motorcycle Bike
1 ticket for $1 or 10 for $15
Come to
333 South Broad Street, Lancaster, Oh to Enter