Our mission is to Rescue, Renew, Restore and Return women to family and community after being set free of addiction through the power of Jesus Christ. We encourage their development of self-esteem and attainment of self-sufficiency through our commitment of providing a holistic, safe and supportive environment, and through our programs of housing, advocacy, vocational experience and empowerment.
Grace Haven Volunteers
On Tuesday May 21, 2024 , we volunteered for the last time till next school year to pack meals for the Fairfield Christian Church PB & Joy.
On Saturday May 25th, 2024, we were asked to volunteer to scoop ice cream for The Little Country Church 200 year celebration.
Riverfest 2024
On Saturday, May 18th, 2024, We went to the Riverfest 2024 in Columbus, Ohio. We were able to see Cory Asbury, Cain, Blessed Offering, Natalie Lane.
Grace Haven News
On Wednesday, May 8th, 2024, during our Family Dinner, we decorated cookies to take to church on Mother’s Day. On Saturday May, 11th, 2024, We had a cookout with some Phase 2 Residents. On Sunday May 12th, We went to worship at Fairfield Christian Church.
Grace Haven Signs song “ Go Light your World” at Frontline Church of God Women of Courage Conference
On April 27th, 2024, we was invited to sign the song “ Go light your World” at the Frontline Church of God Women of Courage conference. We had great time listen to the speaker’s testimonies and going to break out sessions.
We were asked to sign the song “ Go Light Your World “@ the bandstand in downtown Lancaster on May 2nd, 2024, for the National Day of Prayer. We want to say Thank You to Grace and former graduates of Grace Haven for coming back to help us.
Grace Haven News
On April 8th, 2024, we watched the Solar Eclipse in our driveway. It was pretty awesome.
Barb went to Phase 2, and Patti got baptized on April 28th, 2024 at Fairfield Christian Church.
Grace Haven Volunteers
On April 19, 2024, we went to Fairfield Christian Church to help make meals .
On April 23, 2024. We went to Connexion West to do the PB & J lunch packing for the Tar Hee Students.
Grace Haven Easter
The Wednesday before Easter, we decorated cookies for the Fairfield Christian Church Wave students on our Family Dinner night. We had a great time.
On Good Friday, we went to worship and then Easter Sunday, we went to worship and had Easter Dinner. It was a great day.
Grace Haven looking for mower
We are looking for someone to mow our grass in Sugar Grove. We are on a big hill. Please call 740-808-6255 or email us at gracehavenministries0@gmail.com. Thank You
Grace Haven outing to Fairfield Christian Church Women’s Gathering
On Saturday March 16th, 2024, we were invited to attend the Women Gathering at Fairfield Christian Church. We had a great time listening to Guest Speaker. Dr. Tammy Smith and doing our breakout sessions “Joy & Rest in Jesus” and “Miracle of Jesus”. Thank You!!
Grace Haven Wants to say Thank You to Lindsay Honda
On Friday March 15th, 2024. Our night supervisor at Phase 2 went up to Lindsay Honda to get a Mini-Van. We want to say Thank You to Charlie Black
Grace Haven wants to say Thank You
We want to say Thank You to Fairfield Foundation, South Central Power, The Window Man, and many others that contributed to the windows and door relacement
Grace Haven Chili- Cook-Off
On Saturday March 9th, 2024, at Fairfield Christin Church, We had our Annual Chili- Cook-Off. We tasted some great chili and bid on the silent auction items. Thank You all who came, supported, gave to raffle baskets, and volunteered. The First prize winner was Sherry Parmenter, 2nd was Mrs. Chirpy, and 3rd was Connor
Please go to https://youtu.be/QL4pqkP5J_E to watch Chili Cook Off video
Grace Haven Volunteers at Elevation Worship Concert
On February 24th, 2024, we were invited to help by volunteering to hand out World Vision fliers during the intermission at the Elevation Worship Concert in Columbus, Ohio. It was a great night.
On February 27th, 2024, we went to Connexxion West to help Fairfield Christian Church to help pack lunch bags for kids.
Grace Haven Worship Night
On February 18, 2024, we had our Worship Night at Fairfield Christian Church. We want to say Thank You to Mike O’Riley from 88.9 FM, Grace Vesture, Victory Hill Worship Band and Fairfield Christian Worship Band. We listened to some of the testimonies of Grace Haven Ladies. The ladies had a great time signing the song “Go Light Your World”. We had a great night of Worship!!
Grace Haven outing to Women of Vine (Legacy of Faith)
On February 9th & 10th, we were invited to Life Church Vineyard to go to the Women of the Vine (Legacy of Faith) Conference. We worshipped and listened to testimonies.
Grace Haven Outing
On January 27th, 2024, we went to Schottenstein Center in Columbus, Ohio to the Winter Jam Concert.
Anne Wilson, Crowder, Katy Nichole, Newsong, Lecrae, and Seventh Day Slumber, SEU
Grace Haven Volunteers
On Tuesday January 25th, 2023, we went to Connexion West to help Fairfield Christian Church for Pb & Joy was a success! We had so much fun praying, and then packing bags for both Tarhe and Amanda Schools!
Grace Haven Day Outing
On Sunday January 7th, 2024, the residents went out to lunch at MOD Pizza and went shopping at TJ Max and Target to use their gift cards they got for Christmas. They had a great time and Thank You for all who donated.
Thank You!!
We want to say Thank You to Josh and friends from the Pataskala Outreach program for volunteering to help us replace our stove and removing our shelves on Thursday January 4th, 2024. We appreciate all you do for us.
A special Thank You to Kathy and Rich Boucher from Little Country Church
Grace Haven New and Used Blessed
We have received a lot of donations at the Grace Haven New and Used store, so we had our residents come volunteer to put away clothes and organize the store.